Sabado, Mayo 11, 2013

May 11 – 23rd day at OJT

       Thanks to God for today is Saturday! I had a wonderful experienced for I was able to handle plenty of cheques in which again I arranged it according to series. Why I mentioned wonderful because I able to see bigger amount as stated in the cheques in which I considered myself that when I’m working I imagine it that all those cheques are all mine. :D haha.. Just kidding! ^^

Biyernes, Mayo 10, 2013

May 10 – 22nd day at OJT

            Today I arranged and double checked some important documents that handed down to me by my department head Ms. Sophie Vicencio.  I spent almost six hours in sorting out all these documents. A little bit tiring but still I have to finish everything as expected to me by my department head. From this task I can say that Phoenix is one of the richest publishing house here in the Philippines.

            I went home very tired and it seems that I want to go to bed and have rest but I can’t because I still need to accomplish and submit my daily journal.

May 9- 21th day at OJT

         Today I just worked with the check vouchers wherein I arranged it according to series. Another accomplishment I log all the receipt at cash disbursement book wherein you can see here the payees name, check numbers, cash in bank, expanded taxes, input taxes, cash advances, etc. Again another new ideas I  learned today for I was able to gain knowledge in the field  of accountancy, somehow not related to my course but despite of this I really appreciated what I am doing because my co-office  always gave me a positive remarks . :)

May 8- 20th day at OJT

         Today was another experience at accounting department and this time I did some of the works of what they usually do. Ma’am Mariz, one of the employees in accounting department, gave me a task to log some receipt on Cash Disbursement Book. She taught me how to do it and at first I find it hard, because I’m not used to it. Even the terms I don’t know but in the end I was able to understand it. Whenever I don’t know/ didn't understand, I ask immediately to them because I want to make sure that everything that I do is correct. I also learned that we should be careful in putting details and I also realized that Accounting is not an easy job. It requires presence of mind and patient for computing numbers and checking.  

I felt quite disappointed today because the Accounting Department Head instructed me that taking pictures are not allowed that’s why I can’t post any pictures of my usual routine from this department. I felt very tired today because of long travel time. 

Martes, Mayo 7, 2013

May 7- 19th day at OJT

            Today was a tiring day but I felt so blessed and happy because I was able to accomplish all the given tasks to me. The tasks given to me was to type the company names and their addresses in an envelope. At first I find it very difficult, because it was not easy to estimate the correct spacing and one more thing I’m not used to a type writer. To be honest I wasted several envelopes because of wrong spacing, misspelled names and addresses. Despite of some difficulties still I tried my best to make it perfect never it came to my mind of giving-up.

Busy at typing ^^

Work place 

Accomplished work :)

The letter was all about Certificate of Creditable Tax. :)

            I was also inspired by other employees, because I felt the belongingness and we have already created more or less harmonious relationships among us. Now I realized that if you really work hard and you are always determined to what you are doing, you will never give up because you know that what you are doing is not only for your own good, but for the good sake of the entire members of the company. J                          

Lunes, Mayo 6, 2013

May 6 -18th day at OJT

            Today my work was not as heavy not like in the past days. I have accomplished two things today, the first one I just encoded the Official Receipt of different schools. Also, I was given a task to shred some old documented files wherein it was really my first time to experienced that and at the same time I found it very interesting for the machine it just keep on eating papers. Haha.. :D In Accounting Department all documents must be shredded for everything here in this department all are confidential (top-secret). It was also my first time to use a shredder and I’m so happy because I had experienced to try it. :)

Shredded papers. :) I wished they were colored papers - instant confetti  \:D/

              I also talked to Ms. Sophie, the Accounting Head and I gave to her my evaluation form, the acceptance letter and I also informed her about the required hours that I need to finish.  God is so good to me for He has given me good health and strength to face all the challenges that I might be experienced.

Linggo, Mayo 5, 2013

My Creative Output (2nd draft & final)

Additional revises for my Creative Output :)

Finally!! Done ^__^

May 4 -17th day at OJT

                 It was my second day in work and I started working in Accounting Department. Today I continued what I was doing yesterday. Finishing the compiling the check vouchers.  And At the end I was able to compile all those things and I’m happy that I was able to accomplish it on time. J

                During this day I met the other trainee, all of them were taking up Accounting and I’m so glad that I have new friends from accounting department and I’m excited because hopefully in the near future they will be CPA.

                This 2nd day it was a little bit tiring but enjoyable for I was able to have a new friend and also I realized that to work in an office is not an easy job, instead we have to develop in ourselves the value of patience and perseverance to finished our work.

Done! :D

May 3 -16th day at OJT

             Yipeee!! Thank God!  It’s my first day  to my second department and I was assigned to Accounting department.  I’m happy because it’s already my second department and I’m only need to complete the remaining 100 hours.

                I considered this day as one of the busiest moment I encountered, because the first task given to me was tons of paper works, financial statements and check vouchers needed to be compile accordingly to its invoice number. I find it challenging because I need to finish all those things by tomorrow.  

                From this experienced, I realized that I must be ready in everything what will happen and I must not only rely with a certain skills like what I do in my previous department but I need to be flexible in order for me to be more productive and finished the given task on time. J

I feel like I'm an accountant too. Hehe ^^

Huwebes, Mayo 2, 2013

May 2- 15th day at OJT

       Mixed of emotions I felt today, first sad because for it was my last day now at Costumer Relation Department. On my part, I realized it’s not easy to leave your co-office especially you build up that such kind of belongingness or acceptance and you have already created harmonious relationships. For sure I will   miss all the people whom I worked with. I consider them one of the best people for we developed among ourselves the spirit of teamwork. Many things I learned from them like cooperation, teamwork, being patience, committed, conscientious, etc. Lastly, I felt grateful because they treated me as part of their team, they had never treated me as an OJT but they treated me professionally. That’s why to all the people in CRD: Maraming Salamat po sa inyo lahat! J

Ma'am Emily, me and Ma'am Ditas :)

Ma'am Sheryl and Ma'am Emily

Ma'am Vicky and Sir. Frank 

Ma'am Leony, me, Sir. Erwin and Sir Dan

Me, Ma'am Vicky, Ma'am Maffi and Ma'am Paula

Sir. Roger, me and Sir Aljhon

co-OJT :) kuya Gelo and ate Khiel

with Ma'am Gladdy :)

April 30- 14th day at OJT

            Today I informed Ms. Juliana that I already completed the required 100 hours for one department and she told me on May 3, I will be transferred at the Accounting Department. I thought I will be transferred to other department related to my course but unluckily only the Accounting Office accepts a trainee.
            When I learned from Ms. Juliana that I will be transferred at the Accounting Department at first, I felt sad but still thankful for I have known already my next destination. Another reason why I am thankful for I will be meeting again another group of people and new challenges will I encounter again.

            After which I went back to my usual daily routine such as compiling the invoices and statement of account, etc.

compiling the invoices and job orders

many paper works @___@

Lunes, Abril 29, 2013

My Creative Output (draft)

        One very significant thing that I accomplished today was my creative output. In this draft I’m trying to give you an idea about my fruitful experiences in Phoenix Publishing House that contributed a lot in my personality development. With my half month in my OJT more or less I’m now confident in which I considered one of the most memorable and fruitful days in my life, not only because it prepared me for the next juncture in my career, but also because of what my immediate supervisor Ma’am Juliana was trying to share it with me in order for me to become effective and efficient to my work.

          In my draft I decided to illustrate an open book with a tree on top of it and I’m planning to add fruits in my illustration which will portray my learning and experiences at Phoenix Publishing House. The reason why I decided to come up that kind of creative output it’s because that I have learned in my OJT that we must be opened or flexible whatever tasks may assign to us and also be opened in all opportunities that may arise in our lives. Openness may   mean transparency.The tree symbolizes “ME”, because I am a living creature that God created as His Masterpiece .Like the tree it has different parts. Like me I have also distinct characteristics either it’s positive or negative. Despite all these, I am trying to live and grow what is expected on me to be a person who has good personality. :)

Learning/Experiences at OJT (not yet complete) :)

Pencil Sketch 
Using Adobe Illustrator

I'm planning to do this today (April 29) until on or before May 7 :)

April 28- 13th day at OJT

While working on my calling card :)

      Today I intended to be absent in my OJT in order for me to finish some of my requirements. True enough I was able to accomplish something for I was able to make my marketing collateral and a copy of the Phoenix company background and Organizational Chart. I felt grateful today for I was able to enhance my skills in Applied Arts. I missed the things that I usually do before such as designing, conceptualizing, etc. Thanks to God for the gift of life, good health, courage, guidance and inspiration that He bestowed upon me, for I have been productive today. J

My calling card 

My envelope 

Business letter

My brochure :)

Linggo, Abril 28, 2013

My Corporate Attire :)

I feel like a boss. Haha :D

Usual get up :) 

              I took these photos in our house, when I got home from my OJT last night. I asked my brother 's generosity to take shots for me even it was almost late night. This is my usual get up but most of the time I wear smart casual (  blouse with collar and slacks).

               Phoenix Company is also strict when it comes to attire, they strongly discourage their employees if they are not wearing the prescribed dress code.

                I realized that wearing corporate attire was not an easy tasks for I need to choose in my closet the best attire that I'm going to wear for the next day  and because I have only few clothes there were times  that I have to fit it first before I will sleep for I want to look my best at  all  times.

                 I also realized that wearing a corporate attire or an smart casual really improve one's personality. People will look upon you with respect and high regard. :)

Sabado, Abril 27, 2013

April 27 – 12th day at OJT

               Thank God! For this week it’s my last day of reporting at Phoenix. I made a computation of the number of hours that I have rendered , I’m happy because I found out that I was able to accumulate 100 hours for two weeks.

                I considered this day as busiest moment I encountered, for today all the agents from the different areas were present and more works were added to my tasks. Almost all the different departments I have undergone for which I forwarded the different documents and transactions.

                From this experienced, I realized that we must not only rely with a certain skills but we need to be flexible in order for us to be more productive, efficient and effective in all things that we may do.

                As expected on me I have to be a person of Character, Competence, Compassionate, Conscientious and Committed.. J

                And today..hihihi.. my very first sweldo day.  I’m so happy and thankful.  \:D/

April 26- (Friday 11th day at OJT)

              Today is my 2nd to the last day of my OJT in Costumer Relation Department (CRD). I’m quite happy, excited, yet nervous and still confused.

                I’m happy and excited because I’m going to experience and learned something new in my 2nd department. I’m hoping that my 2nd department It will help me a lot in my chosen career. I’m naiinget to my classmates because all of them, their OJT really related to our course. And I’m worry that I may failed in this subject. L In fact, I’m giving all my best and efforts to fulfil the tasks given to me.
                I’m also nervous because I don’t know where will be my 2nd department. And I’m quite nervous because I don’t want to experience clerical work just like in C.R. D. Waaaahh ...more clerical work again. I’m also confused because I don’t want to give up my allowance here in Phoenix, because not all companies have allowances for OJT trainees and I want to help my parents.

April 25- (Thursday 10th day at OJT)

          Although most of my worked in my OJT was more on clerical, still I am thankful for I have learned many things. To be honest, before most of the time I am aloof but with my exposure in my OJT had changed me for I know now how to deal now with different types of people.

I have learned many things such as how to value time, to be more organized and systematic. I also developed my skills in Marketing, Accounting, Finance, etc for I was able to familiarize myself with the different terms and processes they used. Even all these things were new to me and sometimes I find it difficult still I’m trying to do my best for  all these things I’m doing is for the greater Glory of God.

At the moment I’m working with my daily journal, it came to my mind and asked myself “in case I will quit and look for another company wherein I will be able to apply what I’ve learned in school. I want to enhance and develop my skills, so that in the future or when the time comes, I have the idea how to work in an advertising agency or any company related to my course. But I’m confused right now. I was also thinking for allowances din kasi. That’s why I’m confused.

                I’m just praying and hoping that God will give me strength and guide me always that I will survive on my OJT. And I prayed that in the future, I can apply what I’ve learned today here in Phoenix.

Miyerkules, Abril 24, 2013

April 24 – (Wednesday 9th day at OJT)

       Still the same tasks assigned to me, I was asked again to do the same as i did yesterday. I’m a little bit disappointed because until today I was not yet given tasks related to my field, although I am learning something especially dealing with other people but I will appreciate it more if I will be given a tasks really related to applied arts. Still hopping and prayed to God that I will be given a chance to be an artist, a photographer and a layout artist during this period of my OJT in Phoenix. J

April 23 –(Tuesday 8th day at OJT)

          During this day I felt proud and inspired for I spent 12 hours in my OJT. Yay! J In this eighth  day of my OJT I can see now myself independent and I can tell now to myself that lot of things had change me not only in my personal development but even to my capabilities on how to accomplish work efficiently and effectively for I gained trust and affirmation from my immediate supervisors and other staff.

Lunes, Abril 22, 2013

April 22- ( Monday - 7th day at OJT)

             Yes! It’s Monday again! Back to my OJT... During this day I thought I will be asked to work related to my field but still the same tasks given to me which was compiling of jobs order. I was also sent to Audit Department to ask the auditor in-charged to audit the documents that I forwarded to them. I also experienced to send an evaluation copies in three schools through LBC, thanks to my co- OJT for some strategies he gave me. Other than this, I also continued my task of compiling some important documents related to jobs order.

                Before I went home, I talked to Ms. Juliana and discussed with her about the acceptance letter that Ms. Dolly gave us last week. I also asked her if there is already an opening to some department especially wherein I can enhance my skills in Applied Arts. According from her she will find ways on how she could help me about my concern.

                I finished my work with clerical jobs again. Hoping for the remaining days I will be given a chance to work according to my field.

It was again a tiring day for me, but still I need to be patient because this is part of my training. I arrived home almost 9:00 p.m. :)

Me and my co-OJT continuing compiling the job orders. 

Linggo, Abril 21, 2013

April 20- ( Saturday - 6th day at OJT)

                 Yay! Today is TGIS! (Thank God it’s Saturday!!!) last day of work for this week and tomorrow after attending Mass I can have my whole day rest. I really missed my room and my bed wherein i lie down and have rest. J I’m so glad and thankful that I was able to survive my first week in Phoenix as a trainee. After all the pressures that I encountered from the time I woke up until the time I got home safe and sound. J J

                 Today I was given a task to compile the invoice of the orders. I compiled it alphabetically and segregated it for C.S.D. In this department they used to make an assessment, to check if all orders were accurate and what proper actions will be made. I personally witnessed how people in the accounting department accomplished their works with quality and I admired them for they knew how to manage their time properly despite of many schools were ordering books, especially the teacher’s guide and examination copies. All the staffs in this department was all friendly even I am only a trainee I felt I belong to their group, there was this kind of acceptance.

                Staying and working with the Phoenix Publishing House as a trainee made me realized that everyone is important. That every department whether Accounting, Marketing, Audit, Costumer Relation, etc are important and they are connected to each other. Without one of them they will not be able to accomplish something.

Working with the company during this week had helped me a lot for I able to develop my personality. I learned to prepare my things ahead of time like what would be my outfit for the day for they required us to wear decent attire, what will be my “baon”?, and many more. To be honest during my first week of being a trainee full of adjustments and challenging that I experienced because the tasks given to me most of it were very far from my field, but still I’m glad and thankful that Phoenix Publishing House accepted me and I’m thankful that even though the tasks given to me were more on clerical jobs, still I appreciated it for I able to gain confidence, acquired knowledge especially in the field of Accounting, Finance, etc. I’m glad! I love what I’m doing and I’m willing to work with them more. J  I’m excited and looking forward for the remaining days of my OJT. J

                                                                     -work place-

April 19- ( Friday - 5th day at OJT)

               Thank God! It’s Friday and I arrived home safe and sound! Right now I’m still working with my required daily journal and it’s already 11:00 p.m., still trying my best to finish it because I have tooJ

                Even I’m tired and over exhausted to my work still I’m happy because I accomplished eleven hours in my OJT, the longest time I ever spent in Phoenix. Today I experienced to deposit cash at the bank and sent books through LBC.

                Thanks to God for the gift of life and friendships for I was able to be my friends even only for a short time, for we spent a bonding moment having our dinner before we went home at Mc Donald’s just the opposite of the Phoenix Building.  :)

April 18 – ( Thursday - 4th day at OJT)

                During this day I was asked to go to the Marketing Department to handed down the documents of requests made by the different schools. Afterwards Ms. Juliana asked me to continue encoding the job orders, the invoice number and invoice amount. From there I was able to understand more how they do the job order. That day, I met and talked with the “messenger” from Arrey Company who used to deliver books from the warehouse going to different schools. They get the job order from Costumer Relation Department (C.R.D) and they will go to the warehouse to get the books and they will be the one to deliver. From there I realized that proper coordination and teamwork are very essential in this kind of work.

                For me this 4th day of my OJT was a little bit tiring but again it was a challenging on my part because I was able to converse well and to know more about the company especially in Marketing Department. 

April 17- (Wednesday - 3rd day at OJT)

                Another exciting day, for I don’t know what tasks will be given to me. J
                My 3rd day task was to encode the different book orders from different schools. From this experienced I have to take extra careful for I have to encode the correct account or statement as stated in the dispatch note.

                From this experienced I have learned that in everything you do, you have to be careful and be focused in order not to commit error and also to save time and energy.

April 16- ( Tuesday - 2nd day at OJT)

                It was my second day in work and I started working in Costumer Relation Department. The first task given to me for the mean time was to receive and answer calls for the one in-charged here attended a seminar. This kind of job at first I felt scared because I don’t know how I will answer their queries especially when it comes to book orders. At the end I was able to overcome all these fears for I was able to apply the listening and speaking skills that I have learned in my English 1 and 2.

                During this day I met the other trainee, wherein he discussed with me the other tasks that Miss Juliana might assign to me.

                This 2nd day of mine was a little bit tiring but enjoyable for I was able to have a new friend and more or less I can now managed to overcome my anxieties and also I realized that to work in an office is not an easy job, instead we have to develop in ourselves the value of patience and perseverance. 


April 15- ( Monday - 1st day at OJT)

               Yay! It was my very first day in work and I was so nervous. I work at Phoenix Publishing House in Quezon City. Phoenix is a pioneer in Philippine crafted books and it is where most of the schools nationwide order their books.

                Since it was my first day, like other institution I had first my orientation. Ms. Juliana Menodiado oriented me about the tasks in Costumer Relation Department or C.R.D. It is where the order of books from different schools where being processed. After which she toured me in the different departments such as Marketing department, Accounting department and Auditing department. She introduced me also to other officers and office staffs as their new trainee for I will be given a tasks in these different departments.

                During my orientation, I asked Miss Juliana if I there were departments opened for OJT related to my course. But unluckily, for the mean time no open yet, but in case there will be opened, she will inform me and the H.R department so that I will be transferred as soon as possible so that I will be able to enhance my skills in applied arts. :)

                My 1st day in OJT was exciting, fruitful and meaningful for I experienced encoding job orders from different schools. From this experienced I realized that there were several big and small schools nationwide who made their orders in Phoenix Publishing House. I also considered my 1st day in Phoenix unforgettable for I experienced now working in a company. :)