Sabado, Mayo 11, 2013

May 11 – 23rd day at OJT

       Thanks to God for today is Saturday! I had a wonderful experienced for I was able to handle plenty of cheques in which again I arranged it according to series. Why I mentioned wonderful because I able to see bigger amount as stated in the cheques in which I considered myself that when I’m working I imagine it that all those cheques are all mine. :D haha.. Just kidding! ^^

Biyernes, Mayo 10, 2013

May 10 – 22nd day at OJT

            Today I arranged and double checked some important documents that handed down to me by my department head Ms. Sophie Vicencio.  I spent almost six hours in sorting out all these documents. A little bit tiring but still I have to finish everything as expected to me by my department head. From this task I can say that Phoenix is one of the richest publishing house here in the Philippines.

            I went home very tired and it seems that I want to go to bed and have rest but I can’t because I still need to accomplish and submit my daily journal.

May 9- 21th day at OJT

         Today I just worked with the check vouchers wherein I arranged it according to series. Another accomplishment I log all the receipt at cash disbursement book wherein you can see here the payees name, check numbers, cash in bank, expanded taxes, input taxes, cash advances, etc. Again another new ideas I  learned today for I was able to gain knowledge in the field  of accountancy, somehow not related to my course but despite of this I really appreciated what I am doing because my co-office  always gave me a positive remarks . :)

May 8- 20th day at OJT

         Today was another experience at accounting department and this time I did some of the works of what they usually do. Ma’am Mariz, one of the employees in accounting department, gave me a task to log some receipt on Cash Disbursement Book. She taught me how to do it and at first I find it hard, because I’m not used to it. Even the terms I don’t know but in the end I was able to understand it. Whenever I don’t know/ didn't understand, I ask immediately to them because I want to make sure that everything that I do is correct. I also learned that we should be careful in putting details and I also realized that Accounting is not an easy job. It requires presence of mind and patient for computing numbers and checking.  

I felt quite disappointed today because the Accounting Department Head instructed me that taking pictures are not allowed that’s why I can’t post any pictures of my usual routine from this department. I felt very tired today because of long travel time. 

Martes, Mayo 7, 2013

May 7- 19th day at OJT

            Today was a tiring day but I felt so blessed and happy because I was able to accomplish all the given tasks to me. The tasks given to me was to type the company names and their addresses in an envelope. At first I find it very difficult, because it was not easy to estimate the correct spacing and one more thing I’m not used to a type writer. To be honest I wasted several envelopes because of wrong spacing, misspelled names and addresses. Despite of some difficulties still I tried my best to make it perfect never it came to my mind of giving-up.

Busy at typing ^^

Work place 

Accomplished work :)

The letter was all about Certificate of Creditable Tax. :)

            I was also inspired by other employees, because I felt the belongingness and we have already created more or less harmonious relationships among us. Now I realized that if you really work hard and you are always determined to what you are doing, you will never give up because you know that what you are doing is not only for your own good, but for the good sake of the entire members of the company. J                          

Lunes, Mayo 6, 2013

May 6 -18th day at OJT

            Today my work was not as heavy not like in the past days. I have accomplished two things today, the first one I just encoded the Official Receipt of different schools. Also, I was given a task to shred some old documented files wherein it was really my first time to experienced that and at the same time I found it very interesting for the machine it just keep on eating papers. Haha.. :D In Accounting Department all documents must be shredded for everything here in this department all are confidential (top-secret). It was also my first time to use a shredder and I’m so happy because I had experienced to try it. :)

Shredded papers. :) I wished they were colored papers - instant confetti  \:D/

              I also talked to Ms. Sophie, the Accounting Head and I gave to her my evaluation form, the acceptance letter and I also informed her about the required hours that I need to finish.  God is so good to me for He has given me good health and strength to face all the challenges that I might be experienced.